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Sofia Dickie

How to Buy Your First Guitar

You have decided you want to learn to play this magnificent instrument. You are ready to make the step and buy your first guitar. Where to start? There are so many choices out there and you have no idea what to look out for.

To begin with, you want to know if you’re going for an acoustic or an electric guitar. Chances are, you already have an idea what sort of instrument you see yourself playing so this step will likely be an easy one.

In this article, you’ll find tips for buying an acoustic guitar, because 1) it is a good one to start with 2) Guitarwaze currently offers levels 1-4 for online acoustic guitar tuition, with online lessons for learning the electric guitar following soon. From a professional point of view, it is advisable to start with the classical guitar for a better training of the hands, before you move to the electric guitar.

1. Budget

You should determine what sort of budget you have for investing in your instrument. Knowing this, will rule out anything that goes above and save you a lot of time and difficulties in contemplating choices that are not financially realistic. In addition, you may want to consider not spending more than a few hundred £££ on your first guitar, just in case you get bored or discover it is not the instrument for you. You can always sell your first purchase and upgrade to a higher standard when you fall in love with it (which of course you will, because guitars are awesome!)

2. Determine the shape and style of your guitar

Acoustic guitars come in different sizes. There are several body sizes, which produce different sounds and can come with or without a cutaway. A dreadnought shaped guitar has a full bodied and loud sound but may be a bit big for smaller musicians and for some they are harder to play when sitting down due to their shape and large body. Parlour style guitars have thinner bodies and can be easier for a seated practice. Knowing these differences beforehand can be great when heading out to the shops.

3. Nylon or steel strings

Acoustic guitars are either fitted with nylon or steel strings, depending on the type of guitar and what type of style is played. Classical or flamenco guitars are typically strung with nylon and nylon wound with wire strings. Acoustic guitars that use steel strings have extra features to support the tension of these strings and are often a favourite for rock, jazz, blues, folk and other styles. Nylon strings are easier on your fingers than steel strings and are therefore also often chosen by beginners. Understanding these basics, gives you a nice foundation to be able to ask the right questions.

4. Do your research

Tips 1-3 give you pointers on what to look at. Now go online, do a google search and read up on the details.

5. See it in person

It is a good idea to get a feel for the instrument before buying it. You will want to be comfortable with it and trying it out is key. Go to 1-2 places, try out a few different things, come back the next day and do it again. By then you’ll have a fine grasp on what you want.

When you have found your instrument, take care of it! That means buying a proper case to keep it safe but more importantly, give it some love and start playing!

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1 Comment

Ali kord
Ali kord
Mar 01, 2020

I strongly advise against steel strings for beginners. It will fully demoralise you. You will not stop practising because you've had enough, you will stop because your finger tip would have had enough.

You need all the help you can get to get over the initial onslaught of having to learn a bunch of disciplines. You don't need any self-imposed ones.

I started with a steel one and I kept fighting it. I ended up with a nylon guitar by accident and then as I tuned it and started using it for my practices, I realised how much longer I was practising and the little difference in the sound was totally admissible considering how much faster I was learning. I…

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